Digging out from winter

Spring is finally here! Where I live in Northern Virginia the daffodils are dancing and the hyacinths will join them soon. Dogwoods are flowering and the cherry blossoms are about to burst forth with a "better late than never" attitude. It was one tough winter. And we are exceedingly glad to wave it good-bye.

Much of the winter I was working on a new project: developing content for an e-learning course. I am putting this course together with my partners at AQQOLADE. Since they are in the business of providing communications and leadership training, they asked me to design a course we could distribute to a wider audience than we reach with in-person events. Last week we traveled out to Oregon to tape video segments at the headquarters of Choose Growth, the media company building our e-learning course. The whole experience has been quite an interesting one for me, especially as I converted the content of my interactive workshops into easily digestible units. There were a few technical hurdles to overcome as well. Those of you who have worked with me can imagine the conversations we had about filming the Stretch/Whoosh exercise with a single camera!

We are aiming for a soft launch by the beginning of May, so watch this space for more information.

Spring tune-up?

As spring gets into full swing, I know we are all doing seasonal tune ups and repairing things that may have gotten a bit beat up by winter. But it's not just homes and "stuff" that need to be checked for wear and tear. Your speaking style may have gotten a bit rusty over the long winter. You may have started dreading your regular presentations, or at least found them boring to do. That is not good! Even—or maybe especially—at internal meetings, you need to be a dynamic communicator.  

And if you spent the winter noticing one of your colleagues could use skill development to become a clear, effective speaker, please feel free to recommend my services. I work with people at all skill levels, meet them where they are, and offer expert help with content development as well as delivery issues. Have them give me a call and you might just enjoy your next six months of meetings!